The Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court is looking forward to the phased reopening of our courthouses to the public.
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court staff worked hard behind the scenes to move court operations into Phase 2, as defined by Florida Supreme Court AOSC2020-23, Amendment 7.
As a community we must to meet certain criteria before we can move into Phase 3 and relax our protective measures and authorize more in-person hearings. So, we must continue our efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 by continuing to limit public access to our court buildings.
Everyone who enters the courthouse must have a face mask. We encourage you to bring your own face covering to court. Face masks must be worn in all public areas.
Limited court proceedings are being held in-person at the courthouses, and Grand Jury proceedings, criminal Jury selection, and criminal jury trials have resumed. However, most hearings that can be held remotely must continue to be held that way, so even though access to physical court buildings remains limited for the safety of the public and court employees, access to justice is not limited.
Some judges have been utilizing technology to work remotely, and some judges are working in the courthouses each day and are following social-distancing requirements; but our message to you is that judges in all divisions are diligently holding hearings and reviewing paperwork submitted to them in an effort to ease the caseload when the courts resume normal operations.
We all look forward to when the citizens of our communities may soon freely access their courthouses.